Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hey there.

The problem is the existence of belief. I am certain that it is a false construct, or a minor tendency inflated by ... what force? The survival instinct of men alone? Or some dark insidious force that has no problem understanding "humanity" as a mass of energy that can be manipulated for its own benefit? Are they the same thing? Are there others inside us?

I often think about the actual makeup of the human body, as opposed to what we give credence to. I am not interested in arguing, and perhaps that makes me boring. But arguing - who needs it? It betters us as it hones our individuality, our ability to "know ourself" ... but what about all these other forces and energy centers located right with in our skin, sharing our internal space - really, the only property any of us can own (and how briefly). What is this "Actual Makeup"? Well, we house a lot of living things that work within us, machining this body as we machine the earth. General health is determined by how well we can balance our relationships with these little invaders and homesteaders through a daily intake of air, food (nutrient, matter), water (and, perhaps, spirits). And more - who knows how more subliminal intakes steer us? - The scenes that pass over our eyes, words drunk in, sounds and textures.

Another thing I am certain of is that the brain is a major organ, but that we have done an enormous disservice to humanity by disregarding the sophisticated and mysterious ways of our other organs, all operating under the deep cover of permanent blackness, should you be so lucky to never split your skin. Surely strong light permeates and cells drink that vitamin d directly, but always the shadow of the skin. This shadow contains a mighty force, as all shadows do. Maybe shadow is not quite the right word. It is a sealed shadow, a complete shadow, a shadow that contains and protects an unknown quantity. Or maybe it is more like a little self contained ocean.

Anyway - we are only here to navigate the mystery, and that requires admitting that there is a big mystery afoot. The tactics of science are often accurate but contain just as much folly in application as techniques of mystics, magicians, simpletons and guessers alike. Any path can be chosen and executed. Generally the thing to say at this juncture is that true result is gotten foremost by the whims and accuracy of the heart or gut, not the mind - but I don't want to relegate this chunk of words to the new age bin. However, I do stand by it. What is the other conclusion to draw here? Aren't I just poised upon my own preaching pinnacle? This is just some stuff I need to get off my chest. As they say.


marylew said...

You have a great way of giving honor to the mystery without doing anything offensive to the facts.

marylew said...

P.S. sorry, I don't know how to add comments under my own name. But I'll figure it out. (Ian)